Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bookish Tag!

This tag was created by Sonya :)

I tag all of you reading this! Please tell me down below if you decided to do this as well :)

Q1. What type of genre do you prefer?
A: I really enjoy dystopian/scifi, fantasy and contemporary/romance novels/books.

Q2. What are some must-have books for your library?
A: My Harry Potter books!

Q3. What is the most expensive book on your shelf?
A: Probably John Green's TFIOS - just because it wasn't out in my country's bookstores and I have to buy them online.

Q4. What book do you covet the most?
A: Hmmm.. I would say Across the Universe. Everyone loves it and I just can't seem to get my hands on it!

Q5. Who is your favourite author? (You can pick 3.)
A: JK Rowling, P.C & Kristin Cast.

Q6. How much do you spend in books?
A: In a month, probably Rp. 500.000 which is around $50. Just because I get some of my books online.:)

Q7. What is your favourite book store?
A: Kinokuniya! But if I were to pick online bookstores, supplies a huge variety of books!

Q8. What do you think about the current trend in young adult books?
A: I think dystopian novels are going around pretty well. I don't mind it at the least, because it enables more of my friends to read and us to discuss about the books.

Q9. What series do you wish had more books to it?
A: Harry Potter. Hands down. Can J.K Rowling please continue it with the Potter siblings and the others as well? Pretty please with Butterbeer on top!

Q10. What are your go-to books that you have in your library?
A: Harry Potter series, Mortal Instruments, you know the drill. ;)

Q11. What book is currently in your bag?
A: Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins

Q12. What is the most prized book in your collection?
A: Harry Potter series. Why? Because it was passed down from my mum. Also, it is just the most amazing series ever written. Yeah.

Q13. What are some non-fiction you have on your shelf?
A: CHINESE CINDERELLA. Get all 3 books. I loved it.

If you want to do this tag, please do! All are tagged :)


1 comment:

  1. Part of me wishes there were more HP books (because I want more! More Hogwarts! More Harry! More magic!), but the other part is really glad the series ended on a high note.


Link your blogs down below so I can check them out :)