Sunday, February 19, 2012

In My Mailbox (#2)

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren. :)

First off, I am going to start off with an apology. I am sorry for not posting in a long long while, and that's mainly due to my frustration to blogger. Why? Because the picture system in blog posts is out of my usual context and it just wouldn't align properly. Looking into tutorials now and to say sorry to my followers, here's a book haul!

(Left to right, top to bottom.)
1. Under the Never Sky - Veronica Rossi
-Genre: YA Dystopian/SciFi
-Series: Under the Never Sky (Book #1)
I'm sure alot of you have heard about this book, and I gotten into the hype as well. I couldn't resist not picking this up when I saw it in my local bookstore.

2. Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi
-Genre: YA Dystopian/SciFi
-Series: Shatter Me (Book #1)
Another well-talked about dystopian book in the book community. Can't wait to start on the book! The cover's all shiny and glorious, very tempting.

3. Wither - Lauren DeStefano
-Genre: YA Dystopian/SciFi
-Series: The Chemical Garden (Book #1)
The cover depicts an amazing blend of beauty and scifi. Honestly, that was one of the top reasons why I decided to get this. Let's hope it was worth my money though!

4. Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare
-Genre: YA Fantasy
-Series: The Infernal Devices (Book #1)
Since I am on the first book of the Mortal Instruments, I decided to get the Infernal Devices series to.. Complete my Cassanda Clare set. Loving City of Bones so far, so I doubt I would regret this purchase!

5. Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
-Genre: YA Fantasy
-Series: The Infernal Devices (Book #2)
Second book into the Infernal Devices series. Since it was under Rp100.000 (About $9 USD) excluding my 20% off that I received from my bookstore, decided to get it along with clockwork angel.

6. One Day - David Nicholls
-Genre: Romance
-Series: -
I bought the book with Anne Hathaway on the cover and I absolutely loved all her movies, so decided to grab the book. Plus, you can never have too much romance novels. ;)

7. Lola and the Boy Next Door - Stephanie Perkins
-Genre: YA Romance/Contemporary
-Series: -
I absolutely adored Anna and the French Kiss, so this book was just another given book that I had to buy. I can't wait to start on this!

8. The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes: 37 Short Stories and a Complete Novel - Arthur Conan Doyle
-Genre: Mystery/Classics
-Series: -
Sherlock Holmes. Nothing needs to be explained here. I read some of his stories and I did not not like any. It is a huge book (imagine 2 Oxford Learner's Dictionary side by side and increase it's width a little). I would say it is a guilty pleasure, and it is even better that it was a gift from my teacher in Singapore. I asked my mum to bring it back to Indonesia and here it is right now on my lap. Did I mention that I am in love with the TV series? If not, now you know.
Look at that gorgeous format.
That concludes my book haul. Yes, I love me some dystopian and scifi books, hence the ample amount of them in my book haul. I'm hoping to see you guys in a next post in due time! Bye!


  1. Hi Nicole, I love your blog. Great IMM too! New follower btw, mind checking out my blog?

    Jessica from Booked Up!

    :) xxx

  2. Amazing books! I loved Lola and the Boy Next Door! Happy reading! *new follower*

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice mailbox! I'm currently reading Shatter Me, and really liked Wither! Great books! Enjoy!

    Here's my IMM.

  5. I got Under the Never Sky too this week. Shatter Me is freaking awesome. Great mailbox
    Happy reading

  6. Awesome haul! I have every one of these books on my wish list, except for Lola which I won late last year. :-) I hope you enjoy them all!

    My IMM:

  7. I wouldn't be able to file those... they are too pretty!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading,
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  8. Awesome book haul this week! OMGosh I LOVE SHerlock Holmes, and it's funny because I have that EXACT same edition haha! :)

    I really want to read Under the Never Sky, Wither was flipping fabulous, and I JUST checked out Shatter Me from the library, so definitely can't wait to start it!

    PS~ I am a new follower, so nice to meet you haha :D

    If you'd like you can check out the awesome books I got in my mailbox this week, just click the link below! ;)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  9. Lola, Shatter Me, Wither, UTNS, Ca, AND CP are all fabulous!!!! I love all these books lol!!!! Awesome haul! Enjoy :)


    TBD Affiliate Giveaway!

    Let's get to 600 Followers Int. Giveaway!

  10. Awesome haul! Shatter Me, Wither, Clockwork Angel & Clockwork Prince are all amazing!!!! I hope you enjoy them all! :)

    My IMM:


  11. Isn't Sherlock just fabulous? I have a complete edition as well that my I "inherited" from my grandmother, I have read the entire thing and will be re-reading for all eternity!!!

    ...Love the rest of the haul as well :D

    My booktube channel:


Link your blogs down below so I can check them out :)